The latest in diet, nutrition, health news, product picks, and more

Curated by Judy Seybold, Sifter's Chief Nutrition Officer

Photo of man's arm with blood pressure monitor cuff while holding a small weight next to an apple

Know Your Numbers: How to Manage Your Blood Pressure

108 million people—or nearly half of all adults in the U.S.—suffer from high blood pressure. Some don’t even know it. That’s because high blood pressure, also called hypertension, doesn’t always come with obvious symptoms, which is why experts have deemed it a “silent killer.”

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Photo of man's arm with blood pressure monitor cuff while holding a small weight next to an apple
Woman lying on yoga mat looking at laptop while wearing a fitness tracker on wrist

Reach Your Wellness Goals with Digital Tools

Apple said it well with their slogan, “There’s an app for that.” This is especially true today when it comes to digital tools that help people improve their wellbeing. Want to eat better, move more, meditate, or manage a chronic condition? There are plenty of ways to make it happen through your smartphone or tablet.

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Woman lying on yoga mat looking at laptop while wearing a fitness tracker on wrist

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Information about diets that omit specific foods or ingredients


Information about diets that reflect personal preferences and values


Information about diets consistent with medical nutrition care practices


Advice on how to live better and feel better


Check out our Diets Defined section for explanations of all the diets, diet terms, and abbreviations you'll find on Sifter

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